Monday, December 4, 2006

Shared Wsdom

Mary Ojiayo...We are living with the sense that people from the west are more intelligent, superior and contented than we are.The truth of the matter is;Colour is the only difference but our capability and potential are always intact.No one can ever change this fact.This is a different generation so lets rise up as youths and strive to lead the lives we aspire.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Abila Youth Club

Members......the formation of Abila Youth Club has enabled youths within Mamboleo and its soroundings both in and out of schools to come together to share ideas, guide and comfort each other in times of uncertainity and support each other to achieve their goals. It is our believe that this spirit will continue not just among us but among all of you with similar intentions or iterests

In my words...

W.K. Joseph..(Nakh). The absence of dialogue in my past has realy affected my progressive growth. But due to unlimited interuction with pepole of different calibres and positions helped me see the importance of dialogue and sharing of thoughts. Any body can form a group and that wasn't enough for me. I chose to go further and provide a forum where young people would contest ideas share them and help each other develope self confidence in their believes and attitude towards life. It is my believe that this blog will be a great space for great thoughts not just in some native African community but from all over the world.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Who is your role model?
How do you affect change?